Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Few Updates!

Hey Guys, don't think we forgot about all of you! :D

I don't have much time, but I wanted to give you all a few updates!!

1. We have two new team members (a writer and an artist) who are insanely talented, and will be revealing them tomorrow! :D

2. We're making hourly progress on our forums!

3. Shimmie soon!


Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Desperately Searching For Artists

Hey guys, thanks for reading :) We've been making great progress on an hourly basis over in our forums (link to the right), and things are coming along very well! we're all feeling very optimistic, and we can't wait to give you some really big announcements in the next few days :3

That being said, we are in a bit of a pickle...

See, we're all new at this, and as such we aren't always entirely sure of how to go about things at first..

When it comes to it, we REALLY need artists!! We've posted in some different websites, but seem to be struggling thus far! D:

So if you are an artist, and are skilled at drawing things in an anime styling, please apply! :DD

For information on applying, visit our forums, or email us!

Thank's a lot guys! :)

~Always Pressing Forward


Monday, May 28, 2012

Hi it's Ichi Victus!

Hello world! I'm Ichi Victus, the newest writer for Chord Progression. Like Red_B, I bring no official news to the project, but I can say that we seem to be making progress every hour of the day. I'm very happy to be a part of such an ambitious team.

I suppose I should share a few details about myself. I live with relatives in the northern rural part of Missouri. I work at a pig farm where it's my job to monitor farrowing sows and make sure everyone is doing their job. Unlike most pig farmers, I love video games. Obviously, I love visual novels too. I play the guitar, but lost interest in it the past few months. I wish to play the piano one day as I enjoy listening to Touhou piano remixes and classical music in general. I'm also a college student. My major is Computer Science.

Well that's about it I suppose. I'm sure you'll be seeing me around in this blog time to time :)

Have a good night!


Sunday, May 27, 2012

Forums Are Public!

Thus, they arise!

The Chord Progression forums are now public, and we can't wait to see you on them!

Things are still being updated there on an hourly basis, so be sure to register so you can stay informed; The link is on the right! :D


Forum News!

So, we've spent the better part of the day getting the forums up and running, and right now I'm fairly confident in saying that they'll be up for you guys to post on tomorrow! Or.. today... Wow, it's late....

I'm also very pleased to announce that we have not just one, but TWO new team members amongst us now! Say hello to IchiVictus (Writer) and Kaltrek (Webpage/Forum Design)!! I'm sure they'll be posting something on here soon enough, and you'll definitely see them around on the forums!

Anyway, thanks for following us loyal readers! See you all on the forums! :D (Once they're made public tomor.. err, today.)


Saturday, May 26, 2012

Newcomer: Red_B!

 Hey folks! This is Red_B here, with my very first post on the blog! Unfortunately, I bring no news on the actual project tonight, I'll leave that to the other devs for the time being.

So... what now? Well, I guess a little about myself. I'm a tall, Canadian, introverted weirdo. I drink tea like an addict, lurk on the internet, and work at a retail electronics store as that awkward salesman who's funny to watch sometimes. I enjoy long walks on the beach, and kittens.

Seriously though, I am very excited to be a part of this project, and I hope that you all will enjoy my work, OUR work, and the journey to it's completion! In the meantime, I assure you all that I will do my very best to entertain, both in game, and on here!

And now before I finish, I want to give a quick shout-out to all of you who have taken an interest in this project and say, well, thanks for... uh ... taking an interest in this project! We're only a small group for the time being, but we'll only grow as time goes on. Which is why it'd be a good time for YOU to click that email link on the top right of the page and fire off an application. We're looking for anyone and everyone right now, from artists and writers, to webpage designers and coders. So don't be shy, hit apply (Oh god, it rhymed..) and help build a great game, and a great community as well! See you in the forums!


Friday, May 25, 2012

Forum's Are Up! .... But They Look Terrible

Hello all! Short and sweet:

The forums are up, but they look very awful and basic - i'm not very savvy with this stuff.

We are hiring for a reason!!

Still though, feel free to check them out once we post the link on this blog

~This will be done in the next few days, once they look nicer! 


Oh my good golly goodness

Hello, all.  I am Tacochickenwings.  I like  long walks through the industrial park, pretending I live in Silent Hill, Diet Pepsi, and personality testing.  I also love cats and will one day be recognized as having at least 10 of them and living alone in a house full of biscotti and antiques, and will most likely still be using Tumblr.

I am also the co-founder of SC7 Studios.

Now, I'm not as nice as The_Judger despite the delicious effect of my username, and I don't use as many friendly emoticons, so listen up, swabbies:

We are looking for all kinds of staff members, particularly artists.  I'd also like to shout-out to our newest writer, too - so, like, hi.

The format we are hoping to use consists of five love interests and therefore five separate paths to take, with multiple endings for each.  Each scenario will have one writer.

I am the writer for Vivian, who is an addict.

Now, I don't write romance, so this is new for me, but I will be trying my best to create something that doesn't end with serial killers, alien invasions or octopi pulling our hero's head off.  Or having everyone just die off.  In fact, I'd even like to come up with something that even pleases the audience - so we'll see.

Moving along, we really have about 2 solid female leads in the works, so I invite YOU (yes, you, you silly things~), whether you are interested in joining the team or not, to submit to us ideas of the types of characters you'd like to see.  You can even submit concept art - why, yes, even if you draw terribly and it all comes out a stick figure mess.

The person that comes up with the greatest idea will be given credit for it.  No cash prize, sorry, but you can at least attempt for the glory and your name in some scrolling credits, and maybe even become a writer.  Hooray!

So, you get the picture.  Go ahead and submit away.

Have a fab friday too.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Big Ol' Update 6/7!

Greetings readers! It's been a fun week of updates :D No worries though, we'll still update this blog quite often, probably every other day or so! That being said, fun stuff tonight :)

Tonight's Updates:

1. Tomorrow night tacoChickenwings will be on to give you all some info, so be sure to welcome! :D

2. Forums will be up over the weekend!!!!!

3. Shimme will be up next week!!

4. Our new writer goes by the name of Red_B! He'll be on here i'm sure, so welcome him as well! :D

Yay! :D Everybody happy!

But seriously, check back tomorrow for the forums! If they aren't up then, they will be up within a day or so.

Thank you all for following us! Please spread the word!! Don't forget that we are looking for writers and artists either!!

Check out our facebook too if you could!!!


Small Update Because I Love You All :D

Hey guys, still suffering some tech issues >.>  but I wanted to keep my word and still give you our update for the night... even though it's now morning. Using a mobile device with low battery, so I'll keep it short and sweet!

Tonight's Updates

1. We just added one new writer :D We'll introduce him tomorrow, but as it stands we like his style, and believe it 100% fits with what we hope to accomplish!

2. We are starting to advertise for artists on other sites :) So huzzah!

I know it isn't a lot, but I promise more later today :) Bear with the tech issues lol

Thanks for following, and if you could like our facebook page on the right, that'd be great :D



Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Computer Issues

Hey guys! Sorry, but our nightly update tonight will have to be pushed back :/ Some things came up, and I apologize! Look for it around 3 AM or so! (it's 11:25 here now)

Sorry D:


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Big Ol' Update 5!

Salutations, loyal fans :D As you know, it's our week of nightly updates and we're bringing it all to you! A few things beforehand though~

We've been getting some wonderful applications from people, and we want to say THANKS! We've read over some of them and the submissions, and we promise we'll be contacting you back within the week!

We're really looking for talented artists. So if this is you, or you know some ways in which we could properly advertise such, contact us please! :DD

Tonight's Updates

1. When tacoChickenwings and myself were initially coming up with ideas for the characters of Layla and Vivian, we took much influence from music! Specifically some tracks from the Alice In Chains' album Black Gives Way to Blue. It's surprising how well some things fit into out own ideas!

2. Seth's working band name is Enix.

3. I've been doing some concept sketches, and plan to upload a few tomorrow...
            Be gentle xD I'm not artist!

4. In our general outline, each path is looking to have a minimum of 2 real endings (endings which are obtained after successfully completing the 3 arcs of each path).

5. There will be some FMV scenes:) We have no true time constraints, and as such will be sure to make our product as quality and engaging as possible.

Sorry there isn't quite as much tonight, but don't lose heart! :D No worries.


And while you're here, why not like our facebook page? :) Thanks! More to come :D


Big Ol' Update 4!

Hey guys! So sorry to be a little late on our update for tonight; Computer issues are not fun >.>

That being said, let's just get right to it :D

Tonight's Updates

1. We've received a multitude of emails and questions regarding our views on payment and donations, and we feel the need to address this.
  • SC7 studios will not accept monetary donation towards our project. We thank you for the offer, but far too much goes into adding money into the equation that not only do we feel it to be a chore, but we wouldn't feel right accepting it.
  • Chord Progression will be a free download once completed. Any future additions to it, extra downloads, updates, etc. will also be available free of cost. 
2. The music of Chord Progression will be played and orchestrated in actual fashion, not in MIDI format. This means
  • There will be orchestral and piano arrangements, as is standard.
  • There will be original recordings by Seth's unnamed band featuring as soundtrack pieces, in some way or form.
3. CHARACTER INFO. As promised, we're gonna give you some more insight on some of the characters we threw out here last night :)
  • The Bandmates ~ Thus far, our initial plan is for Seth's band to be a four piece, consisting of guitar (Seth), bass ("Andrew"), drums ("Issac"), and vocals ("Ryan"/Potentially Layla)
    • Andrew ~ Easygoing and hard to upset, Andrew seems equal parts uninspired and brilliant. Seth and Andrew have been friends for quite some time, founded this group together, and were very close friends back in high school.
    • Issac ~ Technical and outgoing in both his playing style and personal life, Issac has a wide variety of musical influences ranging from Jazz to Grunge. Issac has a happy-go-lucky attitude, and generally is pretty carefree, but takes matters regarding the group seriously. 
    • Ryan ~ Ryan is the newest vocalist to join this group, and thus far has been received rather positively by local fans. Despite this, the bandmates have some mixed feelings on him, and how this plays out will differ depending on player choices and path. A bit of a "shining star", Ryan has a pretty healthy opinion of himself and isn't afraid to make it known.
  • The True Friend ~ Still no working name. This girl is Seth's closest and most valued friend and has been there with him through thick and thin since childhood. A bit of a tomboy, she fits in like "one of the guys" whenever necessary, but isn't afraid to show her feminine side. Her and Seth have a sort of unspoken connection mentally, and he is the only person who truly understands her. Important in all paths, and much more info to come :))
  • Seth's Parents ~  Not a ton on these guys yet, but what we do have
    • Seth's Father ~ Seth learned to play guitar from his father at a young age, and the two are surprisingly close. Seth's Father is a surprisingly liberal man with a surprisingly strange past. 
    • Seth's Mother ~ Caring and prepared, Seth's Mother always has a plan for things, a trait which Seth has picked up thrice-fold.

      Overall, Seth has a good relationship with his parents.
Well guys, that's all for tonight! More to come tomorrow, and remember WE ARE LOOKING FOR TALENTED WRITERS, ARTISTS, AND MORE! INTERESTED IN JOINING? SEND US AN EMAIL! (email address on the right).

While you're here, why not like our facebook page as well? The link is on the right :D Tune in tomorrow for more!!


Sunday, May 20, 2012

Bil Ol' Update 3!

Salutations, loyal readers of the blog!

As promised, we're continuing with our week of nightly updates, and we have some good stuff for you tonight!

Tonight's Updates

1. Big news tonight: Yes, the game will contain some eroge elements. These will be handled in a rather emotional and well constructed matter, and as such are not materials more suited for "teh fappage."

2. A few more characters to announce.  That being said, we announce em tonight, and we give you character details tomorrow ;)
  • The Band-Mates ~  These guys will play a very large role, ESPECIALLY in Layla's path.
  • The True Friend ~ An important one. This heroine is Seth's closest and most valued friend. Slightly bi-polar, mostly unpredictable, and not set in as one of the "romances". More tomorrow ;)
      • The family ~ Main focus on Seth's parents and much older sister. He actually has a pretty good relationship with these guys.
As said, more on these individuals tomorrow :D

3. Seth is confirmed to have a tattoo, a piercing (ear), and to be a smoker. (Oh, hot damn.)

Well, there's tonight's updates :D Watch out, because we have more tomorrow!

While you're here, why don't you like our facebook page? Link is on the right :)

More tomorrow!


Saturday, May 19, 2012

Big Ol' Update 2!


As promised, we have a week of nightly updates for you all! That being said, some of these nights will contain less than others, some more; Either way, thanks for reading!

Tonight's Update

1. There will be a minimum of 6 complete paths. Our general outline in relation to these paths thus far is as follows:

  •  Path I ~ Basically the "no romance" path. This path follows Seth more closely psychologically physically. (Ex. his music, his studies, goals, relationship with others, etc.) May sound a little dry now, but we promise it's going to be just as appealing as the other paths.
  • Path II ~ "The Long Way Home" or Layla's Story. The romance path of Layla, our reclusive and abused heroine. Depending on reader/player choices Seth and Layla may enter unto not only a romantic relationship, but a musical one as well.
  • Path III ~ "Swirl and Bite" or Vivian's Story. The romantic path of Vivian, our addict. As with all the paths, details are still being worked out. My friend and co-developer tacoChickenwings is writing head for this, and we'll be posting more soon. Overall theme of "Understanding"
  • Path IV ~ No title as of yet, romantic path for "The Loose Cannon"
  • Path V ~ Romantic path, no details worth posting yet.
  • Path VI ~ Same as above

Sadly that is all we have for you tonight D: But no fear, there will be plenty more, each day this week! A few more notes:


Oh, and if you could like our facebook page while you're here (link on the right), that would be swell. :)


Friday, May 18, 2012

Big Ol' Update 1

So our development heads met today and much was discussed, and as such we have a lot of info for you! :D Hold on to your seats folks, as each day for the next week we're going to be making at least one BIG announcement, and then soon we'll be getting some concept art up!

So for tonight, we have this for you:

1. Chord Progression will take place in New York, near the City, but not in.
2. The Addict's name has been officially announced. Get ready for Vivian, everyone!
3. Our writing heads have announced their official working names, and any future posts on here will be made by one of them, or any future members to be added. Everybody, say "hello" to:

The_Judger - Co-Founder/Head Writer for Layla 

tacoChickenwings -
 Co-Founder/Head Writer for Vivian


4.SC7 is looking for talented writers and artists right now! Interested in joining the team to help with Chord Progression in ANY  WAY AT ALL? CONTACT US!!! 

5. Forums will be up within the next week. These will initially be used for two things
             ~ For members of the team to discuss
             ~ For those interested in joining the team or interested in the project to talk with the developers.

6. An image Shimmie will be up soon as well! We'd love to put up our website asap for you guys, but first we want to get (at least) the core writing team together.

Well there you have it, Night 1 of the "Seven Nights of Updates" in the clear!

Thanks for reading, be sure to check back tomorrow, and why not like our facebook page while you're here? The link is on the side!! 

And remember, we're looking for team members!!


New Details SOON!

Sorry to keep everybody waiting! It's been a very busy week.

Anywho~ Our development heads are having a meeting tonight (it's 12:11 AM now), and we'll have a ton of info for you after that! STAY TUNED!


Sunday, May 13, 2012

Some Details

Greeting readers! This is the first true post on the "Chord Progression" dev blog, and we hope it helps unveil a little bit of info for you. To start, Stewart-Class 7 or SC7 studios was formed solely to create this  VN, we were inspired very much by Four Leaf Studios' project Katawa Shoujo, and want to create something just as meaningful and well done. The first steps are small ones, and certainly there are times when it seems foolhardy to even consider what we are undertaking, but we shall press on. This all being said, here's what we have for you today:

1. Thus far our team consists of our two founders/path writers, and one artist. That means we are looking for talented artists and writers at this point. We would also consider taking on someone to "advertise", or help get people all over the web to notice this project. In the future, composers, animators, and more will be needed, so stay tuned if that's your field!

2. Plot details. What we have on chord progression thus far:

  • Chord Progression is the story of Seth, a young college musician who is struggling to really find his path in life. Players will determine whether Seth falls in love, continues his passions, goes on to study, and more; Ultimately, it is a romantic game, with a deep focus on the psychology of individual characters.
  • Character Info SETH: Seth is an intelligent and talented man, with a wide variety of interests especially rooted in "the arts". He is flawed in the way any person is, and often recognizes this rather easily. Very outgoing, but also enjoys silence and being alone quite a bit. He has a deep underlying depression that he isn't fully aware of, and in some of the paths this specifically will be explored. More to come!

  • Character Info LAYLA: One of Seth's potential love interests and a main character in our story, Layla is a reclusive shut-in. Bouncing from foster home to foster home after a tragic incident involving her parents (still working on it), Layla found her freedom at age 18 to be new and terrifying, and came to cling to a young man she had met some time after leaving her last home. We're still writing on her background at this point, and we have ideas of how she was traumatized, and things involving the man she lived with after turning 18. He definitely abused her in some way, but we see it running deeper, at this point we're thinking he may have distributed or prostituted her; only a few days in on her writing thus far.  We DO however know that when Seth meets her, he becomes entranced by her song-writing, and eventually she opens up to him and (possibly) becomes vocalist for a group Seth plays in.
Character Info THE ADDICT: Haven't settled on a name yet. Not many details beyond that she is a love interest who prefers to be alone most of the time. The big thing however, is that she is a heroin addict. Why? What caused this? We have so many ideas that at this point putting them out there would be futile lol. We do know at one point Seth may have the option to... "understand" her. What you take out of that, is up to you, but it certainly will be moving and not positive ;)

Other Character Info:
  • The Opportunist: Love interest who's theme is the idea of "Living In The Moment". Helps Seth and his spontaneity, and is a happy-go-lucky ball of curiosity.


As you can see, we're just starting all of this, and have a long way to go. Interested in helping us out? Send us a message on facebook, or email us at

Stay tuned!!


First Post!

Hey guys, so this blog is now up! Sorry it took a week >.< Still getting used to this lol.
So if you didn't know, we are Stewart-Class 7 Studios, or SC7, and this is the developer blog for the Visual Novel we are creating: Chord Progression. At the moment, we're still getting our basic team together, but we have a lot down for the plot and characters already, and are looking to create an utterly compelling product within the next 5 or so years~

Essentially, we'll be using this to post our ideas, concept art, stories, etc. If you ever played the fabulous Katawa Shoujo, then you may understand exactly what we are up to with this. Check out and like our Facebook page, and stay tuned for the first REAL post tomorrow!!
