It's true, we're getting pretty big here pretty fast, and people are taking some notice.
Of special note it seems is our Mini-VN(s), set to start releasing around September. If you don' know exactly what these are, well I'm about to shed a little insight!
So Judger, what is this Mini-VN?
Good question! To put it simply, our Mini-VN(s) will be a small novel, free to download, taking place from the perspective of one of our heroines, before Coda: Of Love and Composition actually begins. The download format (whether one big release, or one small then one big, or several small) isn't set in stone yet, but each heroine will have their own Mini-VN game, detailing some of their life before CoLoCo begins. This will give readers (and us as well) an insightful look into some of the characters of our world, and will also give them some good Feels, and garner more interest :)
Chances are, there will be one heroine's Mini-VN released as an individual download in a beta format, and then the full game of all the Mini-VNs out around Festivus- including extras ;)
Oh, sounds neat-o, but is the quality going to be sub-par, since it's only a Mini-VN?
Glad you asked!
No, these will be of a respectable and complete caliber - no worries about that.
And Much, Much More!
Wow! Sounds swell Mr. Judger!! Is there any way that I could help out?
Why, yes, there is! Y'see, we have a pretty set team right now, but we are especially looking for another artist or two, so if that's you, be sure to send an application to either our email, or our forums!
Golly, I wish I could do art..
Aww, don't sweat about it buddy, you could still really help us out! Maybe you're good at advertising, or making websites, or graphic design, or more? If you think you could benefit the team somehow, why not send us an app? The worst we could do is hit you with a fishbot ;)
Gosh, that sounds like a fun time! Thanks for this neat-o blog post Mr. Judger!
Oh, you're welcome Timmy, and be sure to tell all the fellas down at the soda bar about us too!
More tomorrow :D
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