Friday, May 25, 2012

Oh my good golly goodness

Hello, all.  I am Tacochickenwings.  I like  long walks through the industrial park, pretending I live in Silent Hill, Diet Pepsi, and personality testing.  I also love cats and will one day be recognized as having at least 10 of them and living alone in a house full of biscotti and antiques, and will most likely still be using Tumblr.

I am also the co-founder of SC7 Studios.

Now, I'm not as nice as The_Judger despite the delicious effect of my username, and I don't use as many friendly emoticons, so listen up, swabbies:

We are looking for all kinds of staff members, particularly artists.  I'd also like to shout-out to our newest writer, too - so, like, hi.

The format we are hoping to use consists of five love interests and therefore five separate paths to take, with multiple endings for each.  Each scenario will have one writer.

I am the writer for Vivian, who is an addict.

Now, I don't write romance, so this is new for me, but I will be trying my best to create something that doesn't end with serial killers, alien invasions or octopi pulling our hero's head off.  Or having everyone just die off.  In fact, I'd even like to come up with something that even pleases the audience - so we'll see.

Moving along, we really have about 2 solid female leads in the works, so I invite YOU (yes, you, you silly things~), whether you are interested in joining the team or not, to submit to us ideas of the types of characters you'd like to see.  You can even submit concept art - why, yes, even if you draw terribly and it all comes out a stick figure mess.

The person that comes up with the greatest idea will be given credit for it.  No cash prize, sorry, but you can at least attempt for the glory and your name in some scrolling credits, and maybe even become a writer.  Hooray!

So, you get the picture.  Go ahead and submit away.

Have a fab friday too.