Friday, July 6, 2012

And Thus, It Was Layla!

Hey there guys :D I have a few pieces for you all tonight, so let's get right to it!

FIRST OFF: Check out the fancy new game logo up there^ 
SECOND: I have another to show you ;)

~ Thanks to Mocha!!

As you all should know by now, we've been working on "Mini-VNs" for all of our heroines to release to all of you lovely people - these will serve the dual purpose of engrossing you into the world of CoLoCo, and also giving us something to show to our fans, proving our merit! :D

Now, we've been in an uproar lately deciding what to focus on, what to compose, what to reveal, etc., and we have finally, per vote, come to the conclusion of which heroine will have her mini released first, at The End Of The Summer (Our Plan).

That's right, say hello to Layla!

Layla's Mini-VN, No Rain, will be released at summers end. It's the real deal:
Full OST
CG and Sprites

Now, we're planning full FMVs for CoLoCo itself, but sadly the Mini-VNs will not have these. (Though  a future downloadable add-on is always possible ;)

I know you guys will love what we're creating, and I hope my writing will satisfy you all as an initial release. I admit, writing for Layla has been a moving experience thus far, and I hope you will find it just as meaningful and moving as I have. 

Now, I am tired, and I must get to bed; Look for another update tomorrow! Thanks for reading guys, and why not give our forums a visit? :D



  1. That is one hell of a fancy logo!

    And can't wait to see the mini-Vn's.

  2. Thanks for your support! :D

  3. Wow, amazing character or art design. Just saying it's on par even with some popular mainstream VN's!

    So keen for more progress on your work guys!
