Saturday, July 14, 2012

Hello from Mocha

I have never quite made an introduction on the blog before, so here it is! I am Mocha, one of the graphic designers for SC7 Studios.  My job is mainly design work such as the forum layout, banners, advertisements, backgrounds, logos, etc. Although I haven't been working with SC7 Studios for very long, I have already become attached to the team and the project. We do have our ups and downs, but everyone here is very nice and pleasant to work with.

As of now, what I'm currently working on mainly is the forum design. A few adjustments still need to be made that I'll be working on over the next week, but progress is definitely being made. :) My next project will most likely be advertisement affiliate banners and trying to get some other VNs to affiliate for more traffic, AND POSSIBLY some web design. We shall see.

Anywho, this isn't a very long update, but I thought I'd drop in and let everyone know what's up on my end.
Always forward, with spirit!